10 Ways You Know You Work At An Agency

Ping pong tables, creative office spaces, snacks for the taking and an always-stocked beer fridge. For those of us who have worked at one, we know that the best ad agency culture often attracts first-rate talent in the industry. This week, we take a look at the culture specific to our own agency, Off Madison Ave:

  1. “You get cold sweats at the mention of timesheets.” Jenn Canterbury, Operations

  2. “Every day is Take Your Dog To Work Day.” Amy La Sala, Public Relations

  3. “You get targeted by bizarre banner ads because of the client research you were just doing.” Adrianna Dalpiaz, Client Services

  4. “You use ‘concepting’ as a word.” Albert Barroso, Creative

  5. “You choose to see movies based on production value.” Rhonda Smith, Client Services

  6. “You see creative as a noun instead of an adjective.” Chelsea Beyerman, Media

  7. “Meetings resemble a scene from ‘Mad Men.’” Roger Hurni, Partner

  8. “The nearest dive bar is a bookable meeting room.” Matthew Bennett, Interactive Services

  9. “The term ‘end of day’ means ‘before midnight.’” Casey Wilson, Client Services

  10. “You do most of your drinking at work.” Ben Galloway, Creative


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