Best Practices to Successfully Work from Home

With the global impact of COVID-19, more businesses are choosing to work remotely for the health and safety of their employees. Working from home has suddenly become the new norm across many industries – and for those of us at Off Madison Ave, the same applies.

Should you find yourself suddenly switching gears and looking to develop an at-home workspace or create a fresh routine amidst the recent change, we’ve got you covered. Here are a few best practices to set you up for success:

Develop a morning routine

Give yourself time to wake up and center yourself. What brings you joy in the morning? It could be as simple as brewing a cup of coffee, meditating for five minutes or completing a virtual workout. Whatever it is, find what energizes you for the day and stick to it.

Get dressed

While it is tempting to stay in your pajamas all day, getting dressed for success can put you in a positive and more productive mood. Whether it’s your favorite pair of gym clothes or a comfortable t-shirt and jeans, the argument can be made that you’ll feel better about yourself and be ready to tackle the day.

Structure your workday

Draft a checklist outlining tasks, meetings and due dates. By creating an outline of your day, you can decide how you will manage your time and prioritize tasks in order to accomplish everything you need. Stay time-efficient and keep on track during your day.

Create an effective workspace

Brush off those dust bunnies and create a clean, productive workspace. Keep it minimal and remove any unnecessary clutter to allow yourself to stay focused and avoid getting distracted. Creating a designated workspace will turn your brain into the “on” mode and get you ready for a productive day.

Overcommunicate with your teammates

Working outside the office means you need to go above and beyond when communicating with coworkers. Prepare for a steady stream of Slack messages, emails, texts or Zoom calls to stay in touch throughout each day. It’s important for everyone to keep up with regular communication, especially when working virtually. Besides, who doesn’t appreciate a good meme or two along the way?

Take breaks

Yes, this includes a lunch break! So, what does that look like? It could mean taking a walk outside for some fresh air (practicing responsible #SocialDistancing of course), spending a few minutes stretching or placing a food delivery order from your local restaurant. Taking care of yourself throughout the day will lead to increased productivity and a sane mind!

Stay positive

Take a moment of gratitude for the health and well-being of yourself, your loved ones and your colleagues. Feel overwhelmed? Refocus by doing something nice for yourself. Return emails with your beloved pet in your lap, diffuse essential oils, light a soothing candle or send an lol-worthy meme to your teammates. Finding a moment of calm can make all the difference, especially while working through these challenging times.

There you have it, our work from home tips for a successful, productive day. What would you add to this list?


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