We've Got Spirit, How 'Bout You?

If you didn't get that movie reference, please take yourself back to 2000. Go Toros!

One of the best ways to keep solid employees engaged is by having an awesome company culture. For a business, getting the formula right could mean the difference between a high turnover rate and a loyal staff who just cannot stop raving about their employer.

Off Madison Ave believes it's important to create a culture that consistently engages all employees, encourages fun, promotes teamwork and provides opportunities to get away from the office to get to know one another. It's essential that everyone from the CEO to the account managers and coordinators mix and mingle, fostering a sense of community and collaboration among employees.

It just so happens that  we recently had the chance to leave the office behind and bond with our colleagues. Kicking off the start of spring, Off Madison Ave headed to Topgolf, a Cactus League Spring Training game at Sloan Park and the Phoenix ADDY awards.

Remember, most of us spend more time at work than we do at home. So, enjoy, engage and have some fun.Can your company culture go toe-to-toe with Off Madison Ave? Comment below, we'd love to hear more.

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