Hot Pants 2015

One of the most important rules we learn in PR, and something we drill into clients as we prep for interviews, is to never lie to the media. Ever. As in, never, ever ever. You know why? The truth always comes out, especially in this day and age of on-demand information.So whose pants went up in flames this year? We’ve compiled a HOT PANTS short list of the biggest story makers in 2015, including half-truths, lies and media misssteps from celebrities and politicians to athletes and entire countries.

  1. Bill Cosby – he’s outright refused to address assault allegations in media interviews, even in the face of more than a dozen accusers. Reporters love a “no comment” response. This story is far from over, especially now that POTUS is commenting.

  2. Greece – as in the whole country promising to pay its bills and then voting not to. Repeatedly.

  3. Brian Williams – a great example of a little white lie from the media itself. Isn’t one of the tenants of journalism to not become the story?

  4. Tom Brady and His Balls – admit it, these have been your favorite memes this year. And will no doubt grace the highlight reel of every media trainer in the land.

  5. Hillary Clinton – she’s been doing a pretty stellar job at blocking and bridging the disappearing email question while on the campaign trail. But I wonder when the Geek Squad guys who set up her “home server” will surface. My guess is somewhere around the time of the first debate.

  6. Chris Christie – lest you think we are picking on the Dems, this guy had some serious splaining to do about bridge closures and how much he knew about his staffer’s antics.

  7. Amy Pascal from Sony – she got caught talking sh!t about the people she worked with in Hollywood behind their backs thanks to some North Korea hacking skills.

  8. North Korea – “What you talkin bout, Sony?” Turns out they have been hiding some serious hacker chops and unleashed them on Seth and James. One more reason to send ambassador Rodman to spy on them.

  9. Amazon – the Prime garage sale tweets are totally worth the $99 a year membership. Talk about over promise and under same-day-deliver.

  10. Melanie Streeper – you may not know her name, but you’ve seen her face. Okay, you’ve seen her holding an orange folder in front of her face when veteran St. Louis reporter Elliott Davis ambushed her. As a PIO, AND former journalist, shouldn’t you have a better game plan for when media arrive on your doorstep?

Anyone we missed? Tell us about your favorite media disasters and get on the Hot Pants watch list for the second half of 2015.Featured image: Creative Commons Heart on Fire by Iryna Yeroshko.


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