NHL Players GoPro in Latest Signed Deal

Hey hockey fans, have you noticed something different while watching your favorite NHL teams play this season? In September, the NHL and GoPro signed a deal allowing TV partners—NBC in the United States and Rogers in Canada—to broadcast videos from GoPro cameras mounted on players’ helmets. This new method of broadcasting lets viewers watch every block, charge and goal from the players’ point-of-view.

While viewers may enjoy up-close shots of their favorite players speeding along the ice and crashing into each other, this strategy also carries a message benefitting both the NHL and GoPro. The cameras not only capture the athletic talent of the players, but they also provide a national and international platform for GoPro to showcase the capabilities of its product.

From a marketing standpoint, GoPro could not have picked a better stage than the NHL to demonstrate the durability of its cameras. When you think of hockey, you think of brutal blows, high speeds and cold temperatures. If GoPro can withstand these conditions to capture game-changing moments with such clarity, imagine what other elements the cameras can survive. Genius.


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