Facebook and Twitter Are Singing "Buy Buy Buy" in 2015

Social media will be the big game changer in 2015. Okay, I know that might sound odd, but it’s true! Social commerce, to be exact, will see a big change with the launch of social “buy” buttons from the heavy hitters, Facebook and Twitter.

These buttons, which have been a hot topic since Facebook announced it was testing them in July, allow users to purchase offers that pop up into his or her newsfeed with just one click. That’s right, no more middleman of having to leave social to go to the site to buy. Users will be able to store their payment information and mailing address through their account, so they never need to pull out a credit card.

What "buy" buttons will look like on Facebook, according to its blog.

According to an article by Daily Mail, browsing social media networks for just five minutes can lead users to become more impulsive. Introduce these buttons that eliminate the guilty feeling that usually comes with shopping with just a tap, and we should see some interesting results.

While businesses are champing at the bit to have products placed alongside “buy” buttons and drive sales, advertisers and social media marketers should be just as excited. Advertising efforts on social media are currently measured by reach, click-through rate and referring traffic to a website, but with “buy” buttons they can now more effectively interpret ROI by directly tracking a purchase from social media.

Beyond advertising, existing social media engagement strategies need to shift as “buy” buttons gain popularity. Quality content with a strong call to action will be necessary to capture the attention of consumers.

While neither Facebook nor Twitter felt comfortable enough to launch this functionality in time for the holiday shopping season, this is going to be a growing trend in 2015 that is sure to change e-commerce as we know it.

Although, it’s only a matter of time before someone creates an app designed to prevent you from making impulse social media “buys” after a night at the bar.


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