TED, We're Talking About You

Today, a few of us have rounded up four of our favorite TED Talks. We thought you'd be interested in them too.

1. The Power of Vulnerability

I don't think we realize how hard it is for us to really be vulnerable, but when we do, and we are met with empathy and acceptance, it produces a powerful affect on our lives. This talk, and Brené Brown's books, have helped me not only personally, but professionally as well.

"How do we learn to embrace our vulnerabilities and imperfections so that we can engage in our lives from a place of authenticity and worthiness? How do we cultivate the courage, compassion, and connection that we need to recognize that we are enough – that we are worthy of love, belonging and joy?"

-Kat Menze, Digital Art Director

2. Do Schools Kill Creativity?

If you’ve ever thought that there may be a better way to structure our education system, this TED Talk may be for you.Ken Robinson, a leader in development of creativity and innovation, discusses how we educate young people out of their natural creative capacities, suggesting we need to rethink our view of intelligence. This 2006 talk makes people think about the importance of an education revolution with the base idea that we cannot teach people to be frightened by being wrong.

-Cara Pritulsky, PR Account Coordinator

3. Shonda Rhimes: My Year of Saying Yes to Everything

As a #Scandal and #HTGAWM (How to Get Away with Murder) fanatic, I couldn't have been more thrilled to see Shonda Rhimes take the TED stage. If you're not familiar with Shonda, she is literally doing something that no one else in the TV industry is doing and she's kicking ass at it. She basically owns one night of the week on ABC - c'mon, how much more badass can you get?

From the outside looking in, you wouldn't exactly expect her to be relatable. But in this talk, she opens up about work, balancing life with a career, and finding happiness in things other than work, which surprisingly leads her to being better at her job. She even touches on overcoming fear by committing to saying, "yes" when it would be easy to say, "no."

It's powerful, inspiring and refreshingly relatable. If you've ever doubted yourself, held back for fear of stepping outside of your comfort zone, or felt like you're not balancing all the moving parts of life as well as you could be, this TED Talk is for you. Happy listening!

-Kayla Weimer, PR Account Executive

4. Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

Have you ever felt like an imposter? Doubted your professional skills during an important discussion? I have. Many of us have.This TED talk by Amy Cuddy may very well be the advice you need to overcome. Cuddy, a social scientist, delves into the topic of non-verbal communication and how it affects how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves. Yes, that’s correct. You have the power to change how you see yourself. Go from powerless to powerful and change your mind by making small changes to the positioning of your body. This TED talk will is a game changer.

-Amy La Sala, Associate Director of PR




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