What Does a Tweet Cost?

We live in a day and age where we don't have the luxury of privacy. With social media being a part of our everyday lives, its made keeping personal life choices, well personal. Clearly, Laremy Tunsil knows a little something about this.

We have seen this before and I'm sure we will see it again. All industries seem to be full of Twitter and other social media scandals. Luckily for some, it blows over.It seems to be a double-edged sword. Circling back to the recent Tunsil video incident that caused the football player to be drafted as number 13 rather than his expect number one spot. It's a fine line between making your own choices and ruining your reputation.

At the end of the day, should people be punished for something that arguably a lot of other college age kids and likely athletes and celebrities have done? Or do we stick to the sage advice our parents provided growing up, "you should have known better?"


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