Threads: What we know and recommend so far

We don’t normally encourage brands to immediately jump on a new social channel, but Meta’s new platform Threads isn’t operating under normal circumstances. With instant access to Instagram’s 1.6 billion active users, Threads generated more than 10 million users in just seven hours—and then more than 100 million users in its first week.

That scalability, combined with Threads’ simplicity and ease of use, position it as more than just a passing trend. If your brand is already on Instagram or Twitter, get on Threads immediately, not only to secure your brand’s name, but also to further your brand’s strategy.

Threads 101

Meta encourages Instagram users to “say more with Threads” and describes the platform as Instagram’s text-based conversation app. Threads allows you to engage with your brand’s community through real-time updates based around text while also accommodating links, photos, and videos up to five minutes in length.

From account activation to publishing your first post, Threads is user-friendly and intuitive. Here are the basics that you need to know:

  • Account activation: Users have instant access to Threads through their Instagram accounts and can import their Instagram profile photo, bio and link.

  • Scalability: The auto-follow button allows users to automatically follow all the accounts they already follow on Instagram.

  • Post length: Posts are limited to 500 characters.

  • Accessibility: Threads’ inclusive user experience incorporates Instagram’s fundamental accessibility features, including support for screen readers and AI-generated image descriptions.

  • Privacy: Only you and your approved followers can see your posts.

Threads is undeniably similar to Twitter, but the platforms differ in a few key areas. Threads lacks the political content and general toxicity Twitter has come to be known for and instead (currently) focuses on funny and helpful posts. So far, Threads’ simple interface has:

  • No direct messaging.

  • No hashtags.

  • No chronological feed.

  • No advertising or paid membership tiers.

  • No desktop version.

Threads envisions itself as a platform “where communities come together to discuss everything from the topics you care about today to what’ll be trending tomorrow.” It’s designed to foster positive discussions and connect people with similar interests—a ripe environment to engage with and grow your brand’s audience.


Crafting your Threads strategy

So far, the content that is doing well on Threads includes behind-the-scenes content; bite-sized, useful advice; and authentic takes on pop culture or memes. As you work on your Threads strategy, keep these actions in mind:

  • Experiment: Maintain your brand voice but take advantage of the opportunity to experiment with your content on a new platform. Don’t be afraid to push boundaries or be more casual. Your profile is customizable; you can keep it consistent with your Instagram account or mix it up.

  • Engage: Introduce your brand and dive into Threads’ public conversation. Threads is perfect for gathering feedback from your audience, sharing real-time updates, and encouraging people to share content with your brand.

  • Simplify: You don’t need an entirely new and unique strategy that differs from anything you’ve done before. Build your Threads strategy off your Twitter strategy. You can even repurpose your brand’s most popular content from Twitter on Threads. Experiment with your pre-existing content while participating in the organic conversations currently happening on the platform.

What’s next for your brand and Threads?

Even though Threads is in its infancy, it’s already the fastest-growing social media platform of the current generation. The auto-follow feature means it’s likely that your Instagram followers who joined Threads have already decided to auto-follow your brand’s account. Now is the time to lay your brand’s foundation on the platform.

Users can expect ongoing updates and additions to the platform as it matures. Meta plans to implement paid sponsorship labels and branded-content tools for advertisers before adding more traditional advertising on Threads. It also promises open social networking that will allow you to search for, follow and interact with users on open, interoperable social networks.

Opportunity awaits

Take advantage of the momentum behind Threads. By being proactive and pushing content while the app is in its infancy, you’ll capitalize on the opportunity to create a presence for your brand from the beginning.

Threads presents another social space for brands to create meaningful connections with their audience, spark engaging discussions, and establish a more diverse following. Contact us today to talk about how you can effectively incorporate Threads into your brand’s social media strategy.


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