The Advantages of a Seamless Partnership

One of the things COVID-19 has taught us is that the world is far more connected than we realized. Until now, I think only a handful of companies were truly aware of that. Since Off Madison Ave’s inception, we’ve known the importance of embracing a global perspective. The ability to apply the learnings gained from other countries and cultures has been invaluable to us and to our clients.

Case in point: I was sitting in front of a client who had restaurant operations in about two dozen countries. He was describing an issue they were having in Korea. Most agencies at that point would take the information back to their office, develop an action plan and contact a resource or two to help solve it. All very prudent. But, as a Worldcom Partner, I simply texted our partner in Seoul. By the end of the meeting I was able to provide a solution to the client’s problem. That, in a nutshell, is the power of Worldcom Public Relations Group.

I could easily write about the tactical operations being a Worldcom Partner affords us. For instance: giving our agency boots on the ground in cities where we have no personnel, providing our staff with valuable insights to new public relations practices or using our partners to help us work through agency operations. These are all extremely valuable benefits. But, in the end, our clients realize the Partnerships’ greatest value. Our ability to have a global reach, while still providing the personalized marketing expertise our clients need, is incredible. This is something that is very difficult for large agencies to pull off.

We are extremely proud to be a part of a forward-thinking group of communications professionals from around the world. With 88 partner agencies operating in 115 cities and 49 countries, this partnership offers us a tremendous amount of resources.

Moreover, it provides us the opportunity for global collaboration while affording our staff and clients a cultural acumen that cannot be found inside many agencies today.


Roger Hurni

Founder and Chief Creative Officer Roger Hurni brings a unique perspective as a creative visionary, brand strategist and behavior designer to the clients he serves. Roger knows that unprecedented results are achieved by optimizing the three variables of human behavior. This basis is the foundation he uses to create results-driven campaigns and sales for organizations of all sizes. His background spans regional, national and international agency and entrepreneurial experience. Roger has served on the Arizona Innovation Marketing Association board as its President and was twice awarded Interactive Marketing Person of the Year. He has been named Ad Person of the Year and was a Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist. Roger has also served as a member of the prestigious Walter Cronkite Endowment Board. Currently, he serves as the Global Chair for the Worldcom Public Relations Group.

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