Why 22 Is The Best Anniversary Ever

Holy Shit. We’ve found ourselves actually celebrating something during one of the most problematic years in recent history.  

With all that’s happened this year, it’s surprising to feel this way. The laundry list of crap is miles long: fires and other climate issues, a precarious political season and the infamous COVID-19 pandemic, just to name a few. The only thing missing is an alien landing. 

We honestly can’t believe we made it. But here we are, together, celebrating 22 years as an advertising agency. It’s truly a feat unto itself.

So, hear us out. We’re officially implementing a new rule. You deserve to celebrate anything—and we mean anything. Had a good hair day? Pop the champagne. Wore a pair of jeans for the first time in six months? Round of applause. Hosted a gender reveal party without burning down half of California? Awesome. Made it through a long, hard day? Treat yourself.

Find the modest moments, the day-to-day moments and the seemingly mundane moments that you’ve experienced this year. And then, celebrate. If there’s anything 2020 has taught us, it’s the value of the small wins. Ours is 22 years of being in business—all due the amazing people and clients that have worked with us along the way. Thank you.


Roger Hurni

Founder and Chief Creative Officer Roger Hurni brings a unique perspective as a creative visionary, brand strategist and behavior designer to the clients he serves. Roger knows that unprecedented results are achieved by optimizing the three variables of human behavior. This basis is the foundation he uses to create results-driven campaigns and sales for organizations of all sizes. His background spans regional, national and international agency and entrepreneurial experience. Roger has served on the Arizona Innovation Marketing Association board as its President and was twice awarded Interactive Marketing Person of the Year. He has been named Ad Person of the Year and was a Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist. Roger has also served as a member of the prestigious Walter Cronkite Endowment Board. Currently, he serves as the Global Chair for the Worldcom Public Relations Group.


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